Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our Tacky Christmas Party!!

Scott and i have been together for almost 7 years now. He has 6 guys that they all have been great friends since grade school if not before that! Well those 6 guys Josh, Justin, Jason, Lee, Clay and Brad have most wonderful wives and 6 of my closest girls Tierney, Candice, Erica, Jennifer, Tracy, and Natalie. Every year we have a Christmas Party. This year we decided to make it a little different.....we had a Tacky Christmas Party!! I was a blast everyone had so much fun. Here are some pics hope you all enjoy!

Scott and Nichole
Scott and Josh
Tierney and Nichole
Bad pic but had to post it!!! Nichole, Erica, and Candice Joy
Josh with his HIGH water pants! Yikes
As you all can see Candice was having a GREAT time....a drink in both hands!
Erica..... ohh that HAIR!
Clay with his polyester shirt, jacket and pants!
Natalie and Jennifer....don't they look like Teachers?? They are!
We had such a great time. First time we all have gotten together since Erica, Tracy, Jennifer and Candice had the munchkins! We should really do this more. I miss us spending time together.

Well i finally did it.......

I've always loved taking pictures of people, animals, friends, family, or just buildings. Several weeks ago a very good friend of mine told me i should really consider taking pictures for a living. Well...i sat and thought about it for a long time and finally i started kinda thinking i could possibly do it....i could be a photographer....maybe. I started looking into photography on the internet and researching other photographers work. I emailed a photographer in Brandon to see if he could give me some advice on what to do and how to start. He ask me to get some stuff together and email him. These are some of the pictures im sending to him. Hope you all enjoy them. I know i need a lot of work but they aren't too bad. Thanks Rachel for letting me photograph you and your children you all mean so much to me and i love you all. The fireman is my husband Scott and some of our fellow firefighters at Monterey Volunteer Fire Department. I have one picture of my handsome brother in law playing high school footbal and several of my gorgeous niece Chloe.

I hope you all enjoyed them please leave me a comment and if you would like for me to photograph something for you please let me know! I already have some people wanting me to photograph there engagement pictures and pictures at there wedding in June in Destin...I cant begin to tell you how excited i am. Thanks and love to all!! Chole

I just wanted to upload some pics of my family and friends.......hope you all enjoy!!
My Grandparents Susie and Billy. These two mean the WORLD to me.

My wonderful Husband Scott and I at Thanksgiving.
Me and Momma Lola at the Beach!!
The Girls!

My BEAUTIFUL Momma Lola and Me at the fair!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Always an Aunt never a Mom......

Ever heard the expression "always a bridesmaid never a bride"? Well i have a new one.... "always an Aunt never a Mom"! Sounds good huh? Fits me perfect! I have always wanted so badly to be a mom. I think all little girls grow up wanting to be a mom. Well my husband and i have been married for 3 years almost....we have been together for 7 years. Several months ago we talked about children and i told him i would love to be pregnant at Christmas and get to give his mom a gift and her find out that way. Well Last night we had our family Christmas and low and behold she got the gift just not from us! My sis-n-law Rachel and her husband Brian are expecting. Yep! She was 12 weeks last yesterday and due in July.

They said it fell at a good time cause she is in Nursing School and she will be out on Summer break when she has the baby.

I was in shock i didn't know what to say or what to do. Whether to cry, smile, laugh, scream.....i had NO clue! So i just hugged her and told her i loved her and congratulations and then i went out side called my best girl Rachie and cried my eyes out for a little while. Don't get me wrong I'm am so happy inside but im so upset because it hurts for me too want a child so badly and someone else who wasn't planning on having children to be pregnant. I guess that how the cookie crumbles though.

I never said anything to Scott i knew he would get mad so i just kept quiet. My mom-n-law kinda noticed i was upset and she asked me if i was OK when we got in the truck to go to Mamow's house. I just told her yeah. I didn't want to ruin her excitement.

Maybe one day....................
Love Chole

Monday, December 17, 2007


Well i haven't been feeling real well the past several days so ive been kinda blahhhh yuckie feeling! Not fun promise. Well i went to my grandparents christmas Sunday. It went ok i guess. She stayed on her side of the room and i stayed on mine. We said as little as possible to each other and left it at that. Dont get me wrong i was nice but i didnt go out of my way to speak to her. In my head i just dont want to talk to her because she needs help so bad and in my heart im torn between just giving in and talking to her and just looking over everything she says and then the other part of me says no she has hurt me and i deserve better.

I just dont know what to do. My dad called me Friday and we talked. It was an ok conversation. He was upset i was upset. He cried or souned like he was and i did cry. I told him i love him and i do love her but i cant deal with her anymore. Guess thats were the love em from a distance comes in to play. I just dont know what to do. My dad said he wasnt having Christmas if i wasnt coming and i just dont want to go. He said he loved me and i told him i loved him and i said i was sorry for hurting him. Then yesterday at my grandparents he acted like he could care less about me. When i got there i went to hug him and he didnt even want to hug me. Then when he left i told him bye twice and it took my grandmother saying Nikki said bye before he told me bye.

I know the reason he is so cold to me is because he has to be because of her. I guess i just wish i could not talk to her and everything would be ok. Scott will never feel the same about them and i really dont blame him because i will probably never feel the same. I see now how much you have to show and tell your kids you love them and when scott and i become parents i will make it a point to make sure my children know they are loved.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So, i have been thinking serously of what i would be happy doing for the rest of my life......i really think my passion is in photography! I know it sounds weird but i really do think that is what my heart is leaning towards. I've been unhappy with my job and i know anywhere you work isn't going to be a hunky dory everyday but i truly believe you should be able to go to work and be happy. You shouldnt HATE getting up in the morning to go to work.

So, last week i emailed a photographer i found on the web and ask him for some pointers on what to do to start up with photography? I would never believe it but he emailed me back!! He wants me to email him my dreams, and goals in photography and also he wants to see some of my pictures to give an honest critique of my work.

I have asked several friends and people in my family if i could take their pictures to kinda have something to put together for people to see. I have 6 nieces and 1 nephew i want to photograph and my best friend Rachel has 2 children and my friend Amy is pregnant so i could take some maternity pictures!! Yea i'm kinda excited but im trying to control it so i dont get shot down and get my feelings hurt. The only thing that would make it so much better would be if my husband liked taking pictures!

I've had what i think are some pretty good ideas on where i want to start now if i could only find the time to do it! I could sit and look at web sites of photographers all day long! Not kidding....i could promise. Maybe once i ge my foot in the door i could save some money and really get me a good camera. I just recently got a new camera that was expensice to ME..........$400 is expensive to my pocket book. Maybe once i get some pictures taken i'll post them and share them with ya!
Love to all, Chole

Monday, December 10, 2007

Love em from a distance..............

Somebody once told me that some people you just have to love from a distance. Well i have someone in my life that i think it is gonna be best if i love from a distance! Sometimes i feel like the people i associate my self with hold me back spiritually......meaning they kinda put me in moods. I know you are responsible for your own actions but to a certain point people help influence those actions i think.

Lets just say for the sake of naming no names ........ i have someone in my life called Sammie. Well Sammie weighs me down, the outburst, the cursing, the name calling, the hollering, the moods, the temper, the outrage, the hatred......all of the above. I know your probably thinking how can one person be so negative but Sammie is. All my life its been one thing after another. I know im not the best person and i know i got into a lot of trouble growing up, but if God can forgive me for things i have done why cant Sammie, or if god can love me as his own why cant Sammie.

I just dont get it sometimes. I think about if i had someone in my life as close as Sammie and i should be i would love them unconditionally NO MATTER WHAT! If someone makes me mad or i just dont like there opinion i dont tell them i dont want to ever speak to them again. To make matters worse Sammie has made it out to everyone that im the one that made the decision not to speak to her on my own!

Jesus loves us no matter what. His love is unconditional and i dont understand why people cant love others like Jesus? So many times i can stumble and fall and He picks me right up brushes me off and send me back on my way. He fills my heart.

So many times as a child i can remember just wanting some attention and i wouldnt get it. When i did get it it was the bed attention getting hollered at, cursed at, spanked...all of the above because i would do something to get into trouble just to have someone spend 5 minutes with me even if it was negative attention any attention was better than none.....dont get me wrong im nbot trying to blame not feeling loved on the fact i did things wrong i am responsible for myself but it was influenced in one way or another.

I have 2 older sisters and the crazy thing is, is that they feel the same way! They just wanted to be loved, and the love just wasnt coming our way. Now that we are older we see that we have each other to fall on when we need an ear, or a shoulder to cry on. All the anger just builds up inside and its like a time bomb waiting to explode. A lot of people just dont understand that empty feeling you have inside even though you have other people that love makes you world go round to be loved by your parents or atleast i think it would!

I do have something i am happy about i have a wonderful husband who stands by me no matter what. He supports any decision i make and he loves me unconditionally. He parents also are a blessing they treat me no different from there own.....even when i get in trouble :-) The Lord knew what he was doing when he put Scott in my life. He knew Scott would help pick me up and stand me back on my feet. He helped me to find that one person that would always stand by me no matter what. I thank God for sending me such an angel to protect me.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Yadda Yadda......

Sometimes i feel like i have too much to say and sometimes I'm just blah and i have nothing! Writers block i guess? Well today i heard from my cousin Megan that she moved to Horn Lake, Ms....don't ask me how far away it is but i do know she said she's like 20min from Memphis! Ahhh the memories! OK well Megan and i are so close in age it's not even funny. We are like 9 days apart....i think I'm the oldest and if I'm not i should be cause I'm the biggest!

We are so much a like i think anyways except for the fact she has 3 kids (Haley 5, Bethany 2, and Gentry is 2 months) and i have NONE :-( I know sad huh? Hopefully one day.... a good friend of mine gave me some good advice about it though....she told me that i need to pray for the Lord to fulfill my life. It's not a fulfilling that my husband, children, friends or family can fill its a void i have to fill with Him.

I remember all the years at Christmas at my Grandma Cory's house...we had so much fun. I can remember even though i didn't like it the red and green punch she would make up in milk jugs for us to drink, and the divinity she would make....mmmmm. She was a wonderful grandma and i bet Megan would say the same. Megan and i are related by my Mother is her mom's Aunt! I know weird huh that we are so close in age and my Mother is her mom's Aunt!!

Well i kinda feel like this blog has absolutely NO's almost like I'm just typing to type because i haven't in soooo long! I was kinda disappointed in myself when i opened my blog and my last entry was Tuesday November 20, 2007! Yikes that feels like so long ago to some maybe not but to me so long long ago!

Megan forwarded me some pictures of the kids so I'll see if i can't get them attached to this blog when i get home or in the next few days. Love to all.